The Feast of the Ascension of our Lord


THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2023
Great Feast of the Ascension

Join us at 9 am

As the angels, O Savior, wondered at Thy strange elevation, and the Disciples were amazed at Thy dread rising, Thou didst ascend in glory, being God, and the gates were lifted up for Thee. Wherefore, the heavenly powers were surprised, shouting, Glory to Thy condescension, O Savior; glory to Thy reign; glory to Thine Ascension, O Thou Who alone art the Lover of mankind. – Orthros of the Feast

“The Wednesday which follows the sixth Sunday of Pascha is the day when, in liturgical terminology, we ‘take leave’ of the Paschal feast. We commemorate the last day of the physical presence of the risen Christ amongst his disciples. To honour this presence, to honour the Resurrection once more, the church on this Wednesday repeats the service for Easter Sunday in its entirety. And now we have come to the fortieth day of Pascha, the Thursday on which the Church celebrates the feast of the Ascension.​”

From The Synaxarion

On the Thursday of the sixth week of Pascha, we celebrate the Ascension of our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ.

After His Resurrection, Jesus remained on earth for forty days, appearing to His Disciples in various places. He ate, drank and conversed with them, verifying and assuring His Resurrection. On the fortieth day after Pascha, Jesus appeared to His Disciples in Jerusalem. He gave them His last commandment, to go forth and preach in His Name to all the nations. At the same time, He told them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait until they were clothed with the power from on high by the descent of the Holy Spirit upon them. Having said this, Jesus led His Disciples to the Mount of Olives. Then He lifted up His hands and blessed them. And as He was speaking to them with words of fatherly blessing, Jesus departed from them and ascended into Heaven, being received by a shining cloud, indicating His divine majesty. He gradually disappeared from the sight of the Disciples as they gazed at Him.

And as they stood thus, two angels in brilliant white robes appeared to them in the form of men and said to them: Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into Heaven? This same Jesus, Who is taken from you into Heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into Heaven. In these words is fulfilled and defined the doctrine concerning the Son of God and His Word, in the Confession of Faith. After our Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled all His great dispensation for us, He ascended in glory into Heaven, and sat on the right hand of God the Father. His Disciples returned from Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, rejoicing in the promise of the coming of the Holy Spirit.

O Christ our God, Who didst ascend in glory, have mercy on us. Amen.

Holy Week Schedule


Holy Week Schedule 2023-April 9-16

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday                     6 pm-Bridegroom Matins

Wednesday                                              6 pm-Holy Unction

Thursday                                       9 am-Last Supper Divine Liturgy

6 pm-12 Gospel readings + Cross Procession

Friday                           10 am-women of the parish decorate the bier/tomb of Christ

3 pm-Taking Christ Down From The Cross

7 pm-Lamentations Service

Saturday           10 am-dye Pascha eggs

6 pm-Divine Liturgy-Announcement of Resurrection, changing of colors

Sunday                8am-Paschal Matins and Divine Liturgy of the Resurrection; blessing of baskets, meat, eggs, and cheese    Bring food to share in your basket

12 Noon-Agape Vespers-Reading of the Gospel in many languages, sign up sheet on bulletin board