Holy Week Schedule
Holy Week Schedule 2023-April 9-16
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday 6 pm-Bridegroom Matins
Wednesday 6 pm-Holy Unction
Thursday 9 am-Last Supper Divine Liturgy
6 pm-12 Gospel readings + Cross Procession
Friday 10 am-women of the parish decorate the bier/tomb of Christ
3 pm-Taking Christ Down From The Cross
7 pm-Lamentations Service
Saturday 10 am-dye Pascha eggs
6 pm-Divine Liturgy-Announcement of Resurrection, changing of colors
Sunday 8am-Paschal Matins and Divine Liturgy of the Resurrection; blessing of baskets, meat, eggs, and cheese Bring food to share in your basket
12 Noon-Agape Vespers-Reading of the Gospel in many languages, sign up sheet on bulletin board
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Bishop Gerasim and Orthodoxy Sunday
Icon Visit and Retreat-Archimandrite Sergius
On the weekend of February 10-12, Archimandrite Fr. Sergius traveled from St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Monastery in PA with the miraculous icon of St.Anna. A large crowd sang with us and then were anointed with oil and venerated the icon, along with the relics of Sts. Joachim and Anna, plus a small piece of the Robe of The Theotokos.
On Saturday we brought the icon to Holy Spirit Orthodox Church and after greeting St. Anna, Fr. Sergius led two wonderful talks on learning to pray.
On Sunday, Archimandrite Sergius served with Fr. Stephen and Fr. Brendan and gave the homily.
All were greatly blessed by the presence of the Saints and benefited greatly from the teaching of Fr. Sergius. The talks are available on the parish Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/hsocparish/